The URGC has been warning over the dangers of refugee migration and criminal organizations that offer Syrian refugees trafficking services to desperate Syrian refugees who feel they will never be able to return back home.
Most Syrian refugees have lost all hope in ever returning to their homeland, most have lost hope of any resettlement plans expressed in the past and present by the UN and Governments, they simply no longer believe and in absence of belief, the absence of no choice and no hope quickly follows.
Syrian refugees feel that there is no resettlement plan for the near or distant future or if there is, then it is not for many years to come and it is on this belief that criminals and terrorist prey upon Syrian refugees with false promises of safe passage and arriving in an EU country where their dreams can be fulfilled or alternatively joining a terrorist organization on the promise of delivering them back to their homeland where they will resettle with a new house, job, their children to receive good schooling, health services and freedom.
Syrian refugees feel they have three choices,
1. the first is to stay in a country like Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey where they feel very unwelcome, victimized, exploited and no future for themselves or their children, this may not be the reality but it is a common shared belief amongst Syrian refugees in such countries.
2. take a risk and spend their last savings and belongings to buy passage to a European country where they feel they will receive fair treatment and have a better opportunity for them to restart their lives and family lives.
3. join a terrorist group who promises them resettlement, new homes, education, health, jobs in a free Islamic state in their homeland as long as they are willing to fight for it.
All three choices are choices no Syrian refugee should have to make, a Syrian refugee choice should be to return home and resettle within a safe community in a new home, with education, health services and socioeconomic development opportunities, it is the correct and only choice Syrian refugees would like the freedom and opportunity to make, but unfortunately this choice is still absent, and in its absence they choose one of the three choices above.
Recently we saw on international news the deaths of 71 Syrian refugees, 59 men, 8 women and 4 children, who died a horrific death of suffocation in the back of a lorry in Hungary where they were trying to gain entry into Austria and possibly thereafter into Germany. We further have seen on international news Syrian refugees who have been recovered at sea from drowning whilst trying to reach Europe.
Most Syrian refugees have lost all hope in ever returning to their homeland, most have lost hope of any resettlement plans expressed in the past and present by the UN and Governments, they simply no longer believe and in absence of belief, the absence of no choice and no hope quickly follows.
Syrian refugees feel that there is no resettlement plan for the near or distant future or if there is, then it is not for many years to come and it is on this belief that criminals and terrorist prey upon Syrian refugees with false promises of safe passage and arriving in an EU country where their dreams can be fulfilled or alternatively joining a terrorist organization on the promise of delivering them back to their homeland where they will resettle with a new house, job, their children to receive good schooling, health services and freedom.
Syrian refugees feel they have three choices,
1. the first is to stay in a country like Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey where they feel very unwelcome, victimized, exploited and no future for themselves or their children, this may not be the reality but it is a common shared belief amongst Syrian refugees in such countries.
2. take a risk and spend their last savings and belongings to buy passage to a European country where they feel they will receive fair treatment and have a better opportunity for them to restart their lives and family lives.
3. join a terrorist group who promises them resettlement, new homes, education, health, jobs in a free Islamic state in their homeland as long as they are willing to fight for it.
All three choices are choices no Syrian refugee should have to make, a Syrian refugee choice should be to return home and resettle within a safe community in a new home, with education, health services and socioeconomic development opportunities, it is the correct and only choice Syrian refugees would like the freedom and opportunity to make, but unfortunately this choice is still absent, and in its absence they choose one of the three choices above.
Recently we saw on international news the deaths of 71 Syrian refugees, 59 men, 8 women and 4 children, who died a horrific death of suffocation in the back of a lorry in Hungary where they were trying to gain entry into Austria and possibly thereafter into Germany. We further have seen on international news Syrian refugees who have been recovered at sea from drowning whilst trying to reach Europe.
More and more Syrian refugees will continue to become victims of criminals and terrorist organizations offering recruitment within terrorist organizations or migration into Europe, all are connected to feeding terrorism and organised crime and ironically the Syrian refugee finds him/herself indirectly feeding the very thing that made them into refugees, whether aware of it or not, it is a hard fact.
Should this be allowed to continue? the URGC thinks not. The UNHCR, Hosting Governments and International Community must see that the delay in applying immediate funding towards resettlement of Syrian refugees in Syria in protected areas of Syria must be prioritized and applied now.
The URGC is aware of many reputable international NGO organization that have shown studies and safe resettlement locations in Syria that resettlement programs can be immediately applied. One of these respected organizations of which the URGC has been monitoring is the GGSO also known as Go Green Syria Organization Not For Profit-Non Governmental, a New York, USA organization with an office based in Damascus, Syria. The GGSO has provided in-depth studies showing the viability and safe areas of Syrian refugee resettlement programs to be applied which will provide housing, schools, health services, social and socioeconomic infrastructure for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to resettle back in their homeland. The URGC has studied the GGSO feasibility studies and plans for resettlement and they are commended and fully supported by the URGC.
No one wants to see or hear about innocent Syrian refugees to continue to be with out the one choice they have a right to make, which is to resettle back into their homeland, yet they are still being denied this rightful choice and criminal organizations and terrorist have taken great advantage of this delay of resettlement programs to be implemented and applied by the UNHCR, Hosting Governments and International Community, who all need to prioritize the raising of adequate funding required by the UNHCR to meet the cost required towards resettlement programs. The Syrian refugees all listen to the news, they hear the promises of resettlement plans but they see no action, they have lost hope which will no doubt lead to mass migration into Europe.
What the UNHCR, Hosting Governments and International communities need to do is focus on resettlement of Syrian refugees and take on board the consultations of international NGO's such as the respected and credible organizations GGSO who has shown and evidenced to the URGC that resettlement is very viable in allocated safe areas of Syria which can be applied as of immediate effect.
To tackle Syrian refugee migration and further tackle organized criminal traffickers and terrorism we must defuse their abilities to funding and the desperation of refugees to find alternative ways to resettle back in their homeland. The only way to tackle this is for the international community to recognise and meet the funding needs of UNHCR so as to enable the UNHCR to apply resettlement programs. Hosting Governments and International Communities need to apply immediate funding towards UNHCR so that UNHCR can meet their resettlement plans.
Should this be allowed to continue? the URGC thinks not. The UNHCR, Hosting Governments and International Community must see that the delay in applying immediate funding towards resettlement of Syrian refugees in Syria in protected areas of Syria must be prioritized and applied now.
The URGC is aware of many reputable international NGO organization that have shown studies and safe resettlement locations in Syria that resettlement programs can be immediately applied. One of these respected organizations of which the URGC has been monitoring is the GGSO also known as Go Green Syria Organization Not For Profit-Non Governmental, a New York, USA organization with an office based in Damascus, Syria. The GGSO has provided in-depth studies showing the viability and safe areas of Syrian refugee resettlement programs to be applied which will provide housing, schools, health services, social and socioeconomic infrastructure for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to resettle back in their homeland. The URGC has studied the GGSO feasibility studies and plans for resettlement and they are commended and fully supported by the URGC.
No one wants to see or hear about innocent Syrian refugees to continue to be with out the one choice they have a right to make, which is to resettle back into their homeland, yet they are still being denied this rightful choice and criminal organizations and terrorist have taken great advantage of this delay of resettlement programs to be implemented and applied by the UNHCR, Hosting Governments and International Community, who all need to prioritize the raising of adequate funding required by the UNHCR to meet the cost required towards resettlement programs. The Syrian refugees all listen to the news, they hear the promises of resettlement plans but they see no action, they have lost hope which will no doubt lead to mass migration into Europe.
What the UNHCR, Hosting Governments and International communities need to do is focus on resettlement of Syrian refugees and take on board the consultations of international NGO's such as the respected and credible organizations GGSO who has shown and evidenced to the URGC that resettlement is very viable in allocated safe areas of Syria which can be applied as of immediate effect.
To tackle Syrian refugee migration and further tackle organized criminal traffickers and terrorism we must defuse their abilities to funding and the desperation of refugees to find alternative ways to resettle back in their homeland. The only way to tackle this is for the international community to recognise and meet the funding needs of UNHCR so as to enable the UNHCR to apply resettlement programs. Hosting Governments and International Communities need to apply immediate funding towards UNHCR so that UNHCR can meet their resettlement plans.